Coda Plugin - Comparator - by Weber Antoine

How to setup the 'Comparator' plugin ?

With FileMerge from XCode

With Kaleidoscope from BlackPixel

With TextWrangler's diff from Barebones

With other supported tool

How to add another diff tool

How to use 'Comparator' plugin?

  1. Open the first file to compare
  2. Menu 'Plug-ins -> Comparator -> Use to Compare Left' (or cmd+1)
  3. Open the second file to compare (not necessarily on the same Coda instance)
  4. Menu 'Plug-ins -> Comparator -> Use to Compare Right' (or cmd+2)
  5. Open the diff tool to Compare
    Menu 'Plug-ins -> Comparator -> Compare (Left & Right)' (or cmd+#)
  6. Make your choices between Left & Right differences [and 'Save' the merge (or cmd+s)]
  7. Open the file in which you want to import the result and replace his content
    Menu 'Plug-ins -> Comparator -> Replace current with the merge' (or cmd+3)

How to change shortcuts of the plugin

  1. Download Coda Plugin Creator
  2. Open the plugin 'Comparator' with 'Coda Plugin Creator'
  3. Change the keys, for the shortcuts you want. Then 'Save' the new plugin.
  4. Open the new plugin you just created with 'Coda'. When asked, choose 'overwrite the plugin'.

What's the default launch order for diff tools

Coda comparator plugin will launch the first diff tool it finds in this order :

  1. your own script (if you have a symlink 'codacomparediff' in your /usr/local/bin)
  2. File Merge from XCode
  3. DiffMerge from SourceForge
  4. Kaleidoscope CLI from BlackPixel
  5. VimDiff in Terminal
  6. Diff in Terminal
  7. KDiff3 from Joachim Eibl
  8. P4Merge from Perforce
  9. Merge from Araxis
  10. RoaringDiff from Biscade
  11. Differencia from DaytimeSoftware
  12. DeltaWalker from Deltopia
  13. Guiffy from GuiffySoftware
  14. DiffFork from DotFork
  15. ECMerge from ElliéComputing
  16. Changes from BitBQ
  17. TextWrangler